Harassment in the workplace, whether of a sexual nature or otherwise, has become a major concern for corporations.  Inappropriate, and sometimes criminal, employee behaviour can have a profound and lasting impact on a company's reputation.

CHRIS MATHERS INC. has conducted a significant number of harassment investigations for a variety of industry sectors.  Our operators use proven investigative and interviewing methods to provide our clients with a clear, objective and unbiased account of our findings.

A company's response to complaints of harassment will often be the subject of scrutiny by victims, their counsel and often, the media.  In our experience, Human Resources often may lack the experience needed to conduct a comprehensive and impartial investigation.  Our operators are retired male and female law enforcement officers with 30-40 years of experience. They possess the requisite skills and knowledge and they understand the sensitive aspects of harassment investigations.   

At CHRIS MATHERS INC., we often investigate in concert with lawyers, specializing in employment law, who recognize the value of professional investigators.